Life Design Guild has a supportive agenda in alignment with Social entrepreneurship initiatives to transform the lives of individuals and families, community to community, with a global outlook.

To achieve this, the Life Design Guild has created specialized programs in support of/through:

  • Agents of Change (Nonprofit organizations, aspiring Change Agents and Leaders of all types)
  • Small business owners (businesses registered and owned by women)
  • Teen entrepreneurs (hands-on training)
  • Social entrepreneurship initiatives (partnerships for Local and Regional programs)

Please contact us for more information.

Unique Program Initiatives

Long term study of adversity, and the overcoming of obstacles with the aim for quality of life, reveals that In the complex world that we live in, people desperately search after significance, while others seek self sufficiency. 

It turns out that both may be found in self Actualization, which Life Design Guild programs are centered on. 

Program enrollment this Winter 2020-21.